The Arena is a leadership development
forum like no other.
The leadership development
solution you've always wanted
is here.

Does this sound like your rising leader?

  • "I just want to know what I don't know and be the best leader I can be." 
  •  "I'm ready to develop my own leadership style." 
  • "My new position requires a whole new level of leadership." 
  • "It's time to make big advances in my career in the next few years."
  • "I'm on the precipice of leading a bigger team, and I want to do it well."

Then, they're going to need the right community.

For the 20 or 30-something leaders on your team who are rising to higher levels of leadership, managing others, and want to go faster and be more effective, this is the place.

Virtually all successful CEOs have peer communities for a reason. But few rising leaders ever do, because they haven't existed, until now. 

Your rising leader will develop themselves alongside peers who share a high level of intention, drive and commitment to advance their career by being a great leader of teams. 

Who it's for.

This community is designed for rising Millennial leaders who are:

  • Managing other employees.
  • On track to take on more leadership responsibility within the next year. 
  • Highly motivated to learn, grow, and be an active participant. 

The power of community with a purpose.
Alongside other rising leaders, your team members will: 

  • Learn what they don't know. 
  • Confidently advance in their leadership. 
  • Build purposeful relationships that elevate. 
  • Expand their thinking. 
  • Turn every challenge into new potential. 
Here's the value.

Here's how it works.

Each purposeful monthly theme is centered on unleashing more of the energy, agency, and potential that exists in you and your team.
One 90-minute zoom collaborative call to explore new concepts and ideas. One deep-dive session to get practical, problem-solve, and apply concepts to real life.
Gain quick insights with weekly questions and polls that reveal how your peers are thinking and approaching similar situations, challenges, and opportunities on our Mighty Network.

How do we know this community will work for your rising leader?

In short, we've done this before! We're drawing on vast experience building deeply connected CEO, Founder, and executive-level community with a purpose for more than a decade. 

We facilitate highly engaging conversations and safe spaces to help you build purposeful relationships like never before.
Our one goal.
To help your rising leader grow significantly as a leader. 

We believe a static community that never goes anywhere is a waste of potential. So we've designed this community to help every member move forward, grow, expand their capacity, and elevate themselves and others...just like the way it should happen in great teams!


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena...”

~Theodore Roosevelt

"Until now, I never understood why people might care about certain things more than I do."

"This isn't static. It's giving me ways to refine my skills and room to grow and evolve as a leader."
"I am gaining more confidence and belief that there is a solution to my challenges. This can be resolved."
"I love that in the breakout groups, we help others think instead of giving advice."
"This has really pushed me to be more introspective and to think differently."
"I now have the tools to handle situations that might have baffled me before."

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
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Terms and Conditions
1. No Warranty – Potential Arena makes no representation or warranty that the programs, content, or sessions will work for your particular circumstances. You will not hold your facilitator responsible for any failure to achieve your expectations or goals.

2. Intellectual Property Rights – Your right to use or reproduce any of the content, tools, techniques, processes, and materials used in the program is limited to your personal use only. Your facilitator is indemnified of any loss or cost incurred by a breach of this right.

3. Right To Terminate — Potential Arena reserves the right to terminate your subscription, membership or program participation at any time and issue a refund, should your participation be in opposition to the Rules of Engagement or negatively impact the experience or results for other participants.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

In the ArenaFounding Member$550
  • Today's payment
  • Rising Leaders In the Arena$550
  • Future payments
  • $550

All prices in USD
