CEOs In the Arena
Leverage the power of short-term focus and purposeful community.
Welcome. I'm glad you're here.
Here's what you need to know.
The background.
The topics & agenda.
3 CORNERSTONES: Uniqueness, Team, and Alignment
1 PURPOSE: To catalyze leadership at every level of an organization.
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90-minute zoom call once a month on the 2nd Wednesday 8:30-10:00am MT/2:30-4:00pm UTC
Monthly themes
Topics set in advance
Space to think
Intentional connection
Not a moment wasted
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How can people be equipped to step into any new new situation, challenge, opportunity, or role and immediately and confidently contribute their best?
How can leaders understand and address the real and perceived ways power dynamics affect and limit team members?
How can teams overcome human tensions and challenges without hesitation or fear, both in mindset and practice?
What does it take for teams to readily give and receive clear feedback in a way that builds trust and confidence and helps one another grow?
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
Why center a community on accomplishing more with a team?
Leadership topics tend to get our time and attention more than team topics do, but we all know great teams make our lives, careers, and impact better. Of all the leaders I've ever worked with, nearly all wanted to be far more purposeful and skilled to unleash their company's potential and accomplish more with their teams.
Let's dedicate some time and space to make this happen.
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Why is this just for one year?
Not everything needs to last forever, and who knows what purposeful form of community will matter in the future.
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What's expected of me?
The value of this experience depends on the participation of each person in the community. Please plan to commit and prioritize each monthly call to the best of your ability. Attend the optional offerings as you are interested, available, and willing to support others in these ways.
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When do we meet?
Throughout 2025, we'll virtually gather for one recurring meeting meeting each month on the 2nd Wednesday each month from 8:30-10:00am MT/6:30-8:00pm UTC.
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What additional or optional offerings are included?
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TOPIC-SPECIFIC DEEP DIVE: Every month, you will be invited to share a specific team-centered challenge or opportunity you are facing that you would like to dive into with the group. These individual-focused sessions will be scheduled during a recurring time block, and we will only meet as there is a need. Hold your calendar for the 2nd Wednedsay each month from 8:30-10:00am MT/6:30-8:00pm UTC.
We may also add a quarterly lunch or full day deep dive at the end of the year should there be an interest.
Some scheduling adjustments may be made for holidays throughout the year.
When you register, you'll get access to the Mighty platform where you can get the session details and add them to your calendar.
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What benefits do I receive with my membership?
In addition to bi-monthly zoom calls, you'll get access to the Mighty platform where you'll be able to engage with other CEOs as you like and also see what rising leaders are thinking about. We'll share samplings, tools, and resources from our group coaching program that you are welcome to use in your work and team. And you are encouraged to share resources that you've found effective in developing your teams.
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Can I register a Rising Leader in my company as well?
Yes! When you check out, you'll have the option to register a Rising Leader too. Unlike the CEO group, the Rising Leader group is designed to continue beyond one year to become a true leadership development space to support them as they rising into higher levels of leadership and responsibility.
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How much does it cost?
You set the price based on the value to you. To give you a range, we recommend a minimum of $900, and the upper range is $3-4000 for this kind of offering. You can pay once for the year or pay for the first six months and return again in May to decide your contribution for the second half of the year. All you need is $100 to hold your spot.
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How do I join?
Join at any time by filling out the form below. The form requires you to pay at least $100 to hold your spot. Once you complete your registration, you'll receive a link to set up your profile in Mighty and answer a few screening questions. Once you're approved, you can begin exploring and get ready for your first call.
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All prices in USD