CEOs In the Arena

Welcome. I'm glad you're here. 

Here's what you need to know.

The "pop up" concept.
Since officially launching my company in February, 132 leaders directly helped me refine my model, design my offerings, and get really clear about who I want to serve and how. Many of these CEOs, entrepreneurs, and executives are genuinely interested in developing their teams in a new way. 

The goal of this community is to give one year of dedicated focus to discover better ways to engage, develop, and unleash teams, so that they we accomplish more and succeed together in the years to come.  

We're going to center our attention on approaches that develop agency and equip teams to unleash their own potential together in an aligned way, instead of top-down, leader-dependent approaches that don't effectively equip people to make decisions and respond to the complexity they face. 

The background.

My company centers on a flexible model I designed to help individuals develop the agency and clarity they need to contribute at a higher level and achieve greater success within a team. It's been developed based on 2 decades working with hundreds, if not thousands, of successful leaders and helping them overcome leadership challenges of all kinds. 

I'm currently piloting a group coaching program that helps rising leaders see from a higher vantage point and gain competencies and confidence that scale with every new situation, challenge, opportunity, and role. It's everything I wish I knew when I was growing in leadership and responsibility that would have saved me so much time and struggle!

Some of the concepts are obvious to leaders who have been there and done it, but articulated in a uniquely simple way. Other concepts offer a substantially different way to think about work and team.

The topics & agenda.

In each monthly call (2nd Wednesday 8-9:30am MT/2:30-4:00pm UTC), we'll progressively develop a learning metabolism to generate new ideas, test and apply them, and iterate quickly. We'll use a simple rhythm to challenge our thinking and spark our creativity, so that we can generate new solutions and approaches together.

  • Welcome check-in
  • Focus on one key team-centered challenge or opportunity
  • Introduce a concept or approach that challenges our thinking
  • Strategic discussion to explore ideas and generate new ways to unleash more of the potential that exists in our teams
  • Share back learnings and insights

We will close by asking if anyone wants to dive deeper and work through a specific scenario in their team in an application call before the next meeting. 
See the sample the topics below. 

3 CORNERSTONES: Uniqueness, Team, and Alignment 


 1 PURPOSE: To catalyze leadership at every level of an organization. 

90-minute zoom call once a month on the 2nd Wednesday 8:30-10:00am MT/2:30-4:00pm UTC

Monthly themes

Topics set in advance

Space to think

Intentional connection

Not a moment wasted

How can people be equipped to step into any new new situation, challenge, opportunity, or role and immediately and confidently contribute their best?

How can leaders understand and address the real and perceived ways power dynamics affect and limit team members?

How can teams overcome human tensions and challenges without hesitation or fear, both in mindset and practice?

What does it take for teams to readily give and receive clear feedback in a way that builds trust and confidence and helps one another grow?

What does it take for people to know how to quickly & effectively align their work with one another and the organization and work toward a common goal?
How can rising leaders increase their competencies to become a team, build trust, keep trust from being eroded, and stay a team even when it's hard? 

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
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Terms and Conditions
1. No Warranty – Potential Arena makes no representation or warranty that the programs, content, or sessions will work for your particular circumstances. You will not hold your facilitator responsible for any failure to achieve your expectations or goals.

2. Intellectual Property Rights – Your right to use or reproduce any of the content, tools, techniques, processes, and materials used in the program is limited to your personal use only. Your facilitator is indemnified of any loss or cost incurred by a breach of this right.

3. Right To Terminate — Potential Arena reserves the right to terminate your subscription, membership or program participation at any time and issue a refund, should your participation be in opposition to the Rules of Engagement or negatively impact the experience or results for other participants.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Pay your own price
  • Preferred option
    Register you and a rising leader (2 participants)

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

In the Arena2025 Community Founding Member$0
  • Total payment
  • 1xCEOs In the Arena$0

All prices in USD
